About The Program
Quick one-minute video explaining the course! Let's go!
Want to know true secret to develop confidence?
The Answer:
Dopamine Fasting & Resetting your hormone imbalances
This 30-day course on confidence is designed for you to experience a dopamine fast and reset your hormone imbalances, eliminate vices, and completely restore your perception of reality while eliminating envy, clarifying goals and more.
It works. I've done the research, tested it on myself, and others, and you can - and will - regain your confidence in less than 30 days when you follow the steps outlined in the program.
It takes 10-minutes a day to do the program and reset yourself for the day. 
What is a 'Dopamine Fast?'
Dopamine fasting is a trend that originated with the top 1% of successful and the uber-wealthy. Dopamine fasting involves cutting yourself off from nearly all stimulation for a period of time.
In today's society, we take so many 'Dopamine hits,' that we become numb to them, and end up clinging onto our vices for longer and longer, which ultimately destroys self-confidence, clarity, self-esteem, and more.
By adapting this 'Fast' for a 30-day period in this course, you will experience profound impacts and advancements in your own life by identifying, eliminating, and abstaining for the most carnal pleasure and technology addictions for 30-days.
Are you ready to experience a more vitalized, 'You?'
What You Will Get:
Dopamine fasts are hard. No doubt. I will be honest, this program is NOT for the faint of heart, but it will make you a better human being GUARANTEED.
For 30-days, here's the deal... This program was designed for YOU - to eliminate vices, learn your bad habits, rewire your brain, strengthen discipline, motivation, and break free from the self-limiting beliefs and chains that bind you. You will experience a more fulfilling life with iron-forged habits from this pure month of working on yourself.
What you will get from this program:
- Daily WhatsApp check-ins
- Weekly challenges
- Morning habits designed for living your best life
- A clear idea of your own vices, addictions, self-limiting beliefs and the tools to eradicate them FOREVER
- Daily videos & content to watch and listen to
- Bonus videos to absorb and dive deeper into
- An online community with forums to ask questions, share content on and network with each other
- An iron-will after 30 days
- An enlarged sense of fulfillment
- MUCH HIGHER confidence
- Weekly calls to dive deeper into your unique situation
- A better version of yourself in 30-days guaranteed!
The 30-Day Course Overview
- Absolute Confidence Day 1 Intro (8:06)
- AC Day 1 - Vices, Pain & Addictions (Tuesday) (8:06)
- AC Day 2 - Self Worth, Limiting Beliefs, Routines & Rituals (Tuesday) (9:00)
- AC Day 3 - Product of our environment, attributes, qualities, person you want to become, life you want to live (6:56)
- AC Day 4 - Mental, Physical & Emotional - Shedding the skin, decluttering the mind & creating space (Thursday) (8:19)
- AC Day 5 - Fighting urges, sitting with pain, withdrawals and FOMO. Amygdala study & fear response (Friday) (10:32)
- AC day 6 - Taxing of nervous & sympathetic system, time hacks, morning routines & breaking the previous installed norms of your neural circuitry + weekend challenge (Saturday) (8:25)
- AC Day 7 - Call, Overview, Week in Review & Self-Reflection. Goals review. Food, fitness, family & work prep (Sunday) (6:08)
- AC Day 8 - Who do you want to be? Off to the races! Goal setting. Discipline, motivation, small wins cascade into big wins & pain vs. pleasure principle review (Monday) (7:40)
- AC Day 9 - Identifying Limiting Beliefs. David Goggins 40% rule. Finding and remembering your rock bottom. Grant Cardone Rock Bottom Lesson. (Tuesday) (6:30)
- AC Day 10 - Qualities you wish to develop in life. Who is that person? Sitting with pain part 2. How are you feeling? What are you doing with those thoughts? Habits create thoughts, thoughts create emotions, emotions tell us how to feel. Choosing the logical brain over the emotional one (Wednesday) (8:54)
- AC Day 11 - Further Intro to Meditation, journaling, NO FAP knowledge, workout routines review & self-care/love. Nature vs. Nurture, 80k thoughts a day (Thursday) (12:03)
- AC Day 12 - Mind control (Jocko Willink), Protocols & Non-Negotiables in your life. New weekend and weekday habits. Morning & nighttime rituals and habits (Friday) (7:24)
- AC Day 13 - Saturday Challenge & Joe Dispenza Walking Meditation. Nature Pursuit & No phone fast challenge (Saturday) (6:07)
- AC Day 14 - No Phone challenge (continued), maintaining thought control (two minutes is too long), changing the track you are on, week ahead fitness, family, food prep (Sunday) (9:09)
- AC Day 15 - Mastering Your Thoughts & Emotions. Mastering Yourself with Fitness, Eliminating Cravings & Time Wasters. Getting in a rhythm with routines & rituals. Saying goodbye to junk food forever. (Monday) (9:00)
- AC Day 16 - Setting Boundaries & Protocols. Learning to Say, 'No,' sticking up for yourself, walking away. The 'Good' philosophy (Jocko Willink), Laughter Wins. (Tuesday) (8:18)
- AC Day 17 - Disassociation of thoughts (third party view of yourself), tracking your thoughts exercise, finding resolve. Mantras, music, affirmations, dancing, energy & emotions = electricity throughout your body (Wednesday) (8:40)
- AC Day 18 - Being the hero of your own movie (Joe Rogan), Intro to Scripting. Thoughts, Habits, Character, Actions, Goals, Destiny. Understanding how the brain works (Dr. Joe Dispenza), Amygdala Overview & Neocortex review (Thursday) (7:06)
- AC Day 19 - Why You Never Finish Your To-Do List (Goals vs. To-Do's), Progress is what you pursue, not the goal itself. Where do emotions come from? How to manage your thoughts (the best analogy). Learning to be by yourself (Friday) (8:01)
- AC Day 20 - Intro to Stoicism & Not Giving a Flying Fuck. Apps to use to keep up with good habits. Synctuition, ROMWOD, Days Since, Fitness programs & Sunday Challenge (going out with no phone & road challenge) (Saturday) (8:01)
- AC Day 21 - Week Three Check-In Call, (Road Challenge, Ice Bucket Challenge, 4-minute plank challenge) willpower video on movitation. NoFap Review, food, fitness, family work prep (Sunday) (5:38)
- AC Day 22 - Turning Pain Into A Passion. NoFap & Sexual Energy = Sexual Transmutation into drive, focus, energy. Daily runs, stretching, journaling, meditation, affirmation, morning routine review + Food & Fitness Advanced Overview (Monday) (8:13)
- AC Day 23 - Vices, Addictions, Crutches, Everything is inside of you that you already. Role of toxins, free radicals, alcohol, caffeine & inflammation in the body = chronic disease (Tuesday) (6:29)
- AC Day 24 - Beast Mode Tools. Find Your Fire. Subconscious mind programming. Visualization. Choosing Your Thoughts. Letting Go. Surrounding yourself with those who will bring you success and happiness (Wednesday) (7:19)
- AC Day 25 - Fitness & Nutrition Advanced Overview. Relationships with other people and how to cultivate power, influence, and being authentic in all your interactions(Thursday) (7:03)
- AC Day 26 - What You Feed Your Mind Consistently. Intro to manifesting & Law of Attraction. How to weaponize your mind and how you see yourself. Not caring what others think about you. Self-Love, Worthiness, Confidence & Ego Killing (Thursday) (9:29)
- AC Day 27 - Finding Progress In Your Goals, Learning new skills and hobbies, how happiness comes from within at all moments. How to feel good in your skin by not caring what other people think, do or say about you (Saturday) (8:09)
- AC Day 28 - You Will Reap What You Sowe. Personal relationships, business relationships, and leaving people better off than when you met them. How to make anyone love themselves, changing your emotional state for good + Staying In YOUR lane (habits for life) (Sunday)) (6:41)
- AC Day 29 - The Compound Effect. Mastering Confidence = not giving a fuck, staying focused on YOUR goals, monitoring your thoughts, habits, actions & trusting the process. The most powerful way to think. Never Lose, Either Win or Learn. (Monday) (8:27)
- AC Day 30 - Week 4 call / check-in. Mastering habits for life. All the tools in the tool belt. Assembling a thirst for knowledge, learning new skills for life, be willing to suck at something brand new. Supplements to take, habits to keep up with, how to reverse thought-patterns and negative self-feedback loops. Neuroplasticity for life. You are not a tree! (7:09)
- AC Day 31 - BONUS - You get what you want by helping others achieve their goals. Getting people to invest in YOU. Drains vs. radiators analogy. Lifetime habits, default aggressive - GO FORTH! (7:17)
- 36-Hour Fast (1:52)
- 24-Hour Fast (1:34)
- Compliment 20 People In A Day Challenge (1:47)
- Test Drive Your Dream Car Challenge (1:51)
- Eat At A Restaurant By Yourself Challenge (2:16)
- No Phone For 48-Hours Challenge (1:48)
- Be Your Idol For A Day Challenge (2:44)
- Commit to a hobby you'd never do Challenge (2:15)
- Significant Other Eye Contact Challenge (2:17)
About The Creator Of This Program
My name is Cameron King, and I wasn't always confident. I was an ugly duckling growing up, a kind of a shy outcast who played sports, but rarely started. I had friends, but was never one of the, "cool kids."
It wasn't until the suicide of my grandfather when I was 21, that brought me to a deep dark place, when I realized I wanted more out of life - a certain zest - and I began an ever-loving quest of knowledge, to learn, to travel, to partake in adventures most people wouldn't dare think about, and also aid and empower others to enjoy the fruits of pushing one's self in all aspects of life. To challenge the status-quo and truly grow as an individual.
Now, at 32 years old, having lived abroad and been to 45 countries all over the world, and having made over 2400+ skydives, becoming an active-duty Army Soldier, with a previous 12+ year career in marketing & advertising, and previously launching three successful businesses of my own, I can say I am truly just getting started in life and it feels great.
I know what it's like to be at the bottom and now I'm climbing to the top.
I've been in the doldrums, had anxiety and depressing times, I've fought through break-ups, job losses, and too many, "When it rains it pours," scenarios to learn that you should never ever give up in life.
And that is just what I'm here to do for you - teach you how to turn your life around and attain Absolute Confidence in yourself, others, and the process of life as we all know it.
See you out there. - Cam
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